My Cooperating teacher name is Ms. Mary Fritz. I’m join entrepreneurship class for observation. Teaching method in Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception use active learning. Teacher show a picture or sentence a and give student following question. Next, my cooperating teacher explain material with formal lecture and doing group activity. After that, teacher doing student assessment for measure the ability of students to receive material.

Learning material and innovation in Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception, the class session begins with the teacher stimulates students to be active with the teacher giving questions about real life experiences related to learning material. In my opinion it is so good, because students can be active and have the attraction to learn the lesson. After that, the teacher explain material  show video and picture in LCD projector. Group activity is good idea make student not boring in lesson. Teacher explain the lesson easily and clearly.

Sources of learning and technology of my cooperating teacher use Entrepreneurship by Rex Bookstore Publishing and internet reference. Then, the teacher make a power point contain picture, video and core explanation about entrepreneurship material. Next, the power point show in the class television. Sometimes, my cooperating teacher writing in the whiteboard for explain and write instruction question or discussion.

Autehentic Assessement of my cooperating teacher use analysis question or logical question. In analysis question, my teacher gave a matter of analysis by positioning students as entrepreneurs. then, students are asked to analyze opportunities and challenges in running their business. In logical question, the teacher give question to student with multiple choice.

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