University of the Immaculate Conception located in Davao City, Philipphines. It was since 1905. University of the Immaculate Conception has famous name Pink Campus/ Pink School because the building colour is pink and the student uniform is pink. University of the Immaculate Conception has three campus:  Main Campus, Bonifacio and Bajada Campus. Main Campus or FR Selga is location near Bankerohan Market. The main campus contains dapartement of Medical, Music, Nutritions, Dietetics, Pharmacy and Information Technology. Bonifacio campus is also called Annex campus is the colleges of Business and Governance, Engineering, Education, and Liberal Arts. Next, Bajada Campus the location in JP Laurel Street. Bajada campus location of Basic Education School. All of the campus are fasilitated with a lot of school facility such as Auditorium, Library, Audio Visual Room, Robotics laboratory, Science Laboratoty, E-learning Lab, Clinic, Auditorium, Gymnasium.

Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception located in Bajada Campus, JP Laurel Street. Vision of Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception is a globally recognized catholic school the nurtures faith, builds passion for excellence and develops lifelong learners with compassion for serveice that impacts transformation in a fast charging society. Mission is provide an excellent educational experience to students to help them become globally competitive and apdative to change, inculate among students the values of serving humalities and love, uphold the dignity of the persons especially the poor, promote and strengthen our Filipino culture and values.

Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception from grade 11 until grade 12. Teaching system in Senior High School use 5 days for learning from Monday until Friday and Saturday and Sunday is weekend. Student use uniform and bring ID Card every in school but there is one day called wash day, student can use free uniform. Senior High School begin session class at 7.30 and was over at 5.45 pm. Senior High School have recess at 9.30 – 10.30. Next, Senior High School have lunch at 12.00 – 12.45. Then, before start first session all of students pray together. Each session subject have 60 minutes for delivered learning.

Curiculum of Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception is K-12 Curriculum collaboration with Religious Virgin Mary (RVM) Curriculum. Teaching plan in Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception have integration with Ignacian Core, Social Orientation, Lesson Across Disclipine and Bliblical Reflection. In my opinion, teaching plan in Senior High School UIC is good integration, because student study spiritual values and values social life. So, students in the future be a good person with value and knowledge.

Material learning in Senior High School University of the Immaculate Conception use multi source. Teacher usually use books publish and internet. Teacher make  a power point or writing sentence in whiteboard. Then, teacher have discussion in class. Measurement and evaluation system have two kind: assessment and exam day. Assessment given to student in class session after teaching explain material. Then, exam day managed by the school in three days. The teacher give student paper test contain multiple choice, and essay.

1 komentar:

  1. Itu daerah kami saat di philippines nak, davao city, kalau sempat ke komsulat jendral tanyakan tentang saya pak widiyanto
