I’m use K-12 Curriculum collaboration with Religious Virgin Mary Curriculum. I’m teaching entrepreneurship lesson about introduction to business implementation. My planning for begin class session with ask student for pray in their religion. Next, my planning is show big business in Phillippines and big business in Indonesia and compare it. Next, I will ask student about their respons this business. Next, I will boardening the concept with formal lecture and group activity. Last, i will give assessment to student.


Basic Education Dapartement
Senior High School
Bajada, Davao City


Subject Area         : Entrepreneurship                                                                          Date: Aug, 28 2019                             
Unit Topic              : Introduction to Business Implementation                                  Quarter No 2.                          

Transfer Goal : In the long run, the students on their own will be able to understand the concepts, underlying principles, process to business implementation, discussion on the relevance of the course, explanation of key concepts of common competencies, explanation core relative to the course and exploaration of partnership.
Essential Understanding : The student will demonstrate understanding on the introduction to business implementation.
Essential Question : Why do we have a compelling vision, mission and business plan in business implementation?

   Review  : How a product can be development in business?
   Focus                    : Introduction to Business Implementation
                    Motivation            : The teacher will give an example of goal business implementation with picture and video of fried
                                                   Chicken Indonesia Business (Geprek Bensu) abd Philippines Business (Jolibee).
                APK                        : The teacher will show Jollibee pictureThen the teacher will ask the following question.
Guide Question : Do you know JollibeeWhat is your favourite menu in Jollibee? Why Jollibee has become a succesful business in Phillipines? This activity will be the springboard for the discussion.

A.     Presentation of Concept:
Students will know
                                         The concept of starting business
                                         The concept of business plan
                Students will able to
                                                                Explain the concept of starting business
                                                                Explain the concept of business plan
                                                                Relate the topic in real situation

Formal Lecture: Through the help of PPT and short video the teacher will further explain the output of the
students. Discussion about case study of implementation of business.

Group Activity: The students will be grouped into 3 persons per group. Each group must set up their own business. They are tasked to prepare a concept of their own business including the types of business, vision, mission that gives the image they desired and how are they going to project it. They are only given 10 minutes to prepare it.

B.    Broadening of The Concept:
  •  Why does the vision important? Why does the mission important?
  •  Why does the name of business important?
  •  How is company angel help in business implementation?
  •  Why does a good business plan need to consider in business implementation?

1.     Ignacian Core/Related Values: Serve, Faith: Given the best way starting new business, will there be a lot of opportunities new business in the market can profitable. So, the entrepreneur must do with patient, consistent and struggle.
2.     Social Orientation: In the business, we are need other people for helping business structure.
3.     Lesson Across Discipline: How is be a successful goal new business?
4.     Bliblical Reflection: The best people is people can struggle and patient for implementation his planning in the future.

The students will be divided into 2 person/pair. Each pair will be login in digital game quiz introduction business implementation and organizing enterprise. Each pair will choose correct answer in multiple choice game.
Goal business have a very good business plan, a clear purpose and a compelling vision. Besides that, new business need a company of angels for help progress business. Next, organizing and structuring enterprise important for management business. This conclusion, introduction business implementation needed for development business. 
                Individu activity: The student give ask about kind of structuring business.
Refrences: Entrepreneurship by Rex Bookstore Publishing
Instructional Materials/ Visual Aids: Power Point Presentation, Video, Kahoot!

Prepared by:                                                                                                                                        Checked by:

Ms. Nisa Widya Wardani                                                                                                                Ms. Mary Fritz 
Student Internship                                                                                                                           Subject Teacher

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